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E-Commerce will change it all

From the service society to the life society

Trade has always been a major driver of people. Once upon a time, settlements at crossroads developed which became cities. Networking! Crossroads are everywhere today. So is networking. And trade. Even without cities.

E-commerce is possible everywhere. And just as supermarkets have changed society, so will e-commerce. There are many prejudices – from the isolation of city centres to the couch potato. But are they true? Discover prospective opportunities and new business models, such as potential for the healthy development of civil society, businesses, cities and communities – even those that until recently you thought were outdated or without a chance.

It’s a bit like when the steam engine was introduced. Everyone thought: that’s what’s going to put us out of work. The turnaround brought about by the engines led to more prosperity than ever.

Keynote / show – 45/90 min

Contact Max // +49 30 6130 90 41

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