The presenter Nico Gutjahr and the futurologist Max Thinius talk about (and with) people. And about the future. And how that comes together. The first signpost that clearly says what is coming, how it will be and how you can really shape the future for yourself.
And the two of them provide answers to the most burning questions that no one else answers: How will our society live tomorrow and what do we need to know? What will happen with work, life, love and our everyday life? How will the future and digitalization change our thinking? What do we have to learn anew? Can we even manage that? Or will all this create artificial intelligence for us? What do I still get out of life?
A lot! A very lot! That is the short and positive answer.
Nico and Max give a precise guide 4.0 with clear scenarios of the future in their presentation. “At last, two of us can talk to humans!” No technical jargon or artificially inflated horror scenarios. Instead, they tell us what is, what will be and what each of us can do to take advantage of the many positive possibilities of the future (and to avoid the possible small obstacles).
Motivation for the future – already while listening!
Auf welche Kompetenzen muss ich mich konzentrieren, wie kann ich denken, damit „ich die Zukunft“ und „die Zukunft mich“ versteht. Ein paar einfache Tipps und die Zukunft kommt nicht einfach, sondern kann von jedem selbst mitgestaltet werden.
“In the future we can enjoy life more and more self-determined, no matter what age. We will have exciting new tasks, look forward to our work and live together with people with whom we can rediscover everyday life. We just need to know how to deal with the possibilities of the future – a Guide 4.0.”
This way!
Requests to Max & Nico and the show:
Show // 60-70min // Request via
Foto by Nico Gutjahr
About me (Max) there is on this page, and especially HIER, … a lot to read. So here are a few words about my pioneering partner Nico Gutjahr – one of the few people who understand people!
Normal children ask up to 400 questions a day, but Nico’s curiosity raised the average to 1000! The aim of the moderator and motivator: to understand people, to bring them forward, to ask the right questions, to radiate an incredible positivity and to have a clear attitude! Currently you can see this 3 times a week in his successful webtalkshow. Over 200 filmed episodes with more than 1.5 million clicks on YouTube speak a clear language. Forward-thinkers and celebrities from Karoline Herfurth to Gregor Gysi, Sebastian Fitzek to Vera Int-Veen open up at Nico Gutjahr. All episodes can be found on