All posts tagged: Keynote

The 17 areas of life in our future – and how they will change our lives.

When we talk about the future, we often talk about how everyday life will change. That means: on the one hand, we “only” have the new technology, but it will be used in all areas of our lives. So not only in our everyday life, in our profession or in individual areas, but in all 17 areas of life at the same time. This seems frightening to many people, because if something changes everywhere …. But the opposite is the case, because there are many possibilities. This list should help to divide life into smaller units and to take a closer look at what new opportunities are opening up there and how these can be newly networked in the sense of a greater quality of life and economy for as many people as possible. But let’s just think about industrialisation. In order for it to take hold, we didn’t just need the steam engine (aka the internet today). We also needed trade unions that fought for social laws, for health insurance, sick pay … otherwise …

What makes a futurologist different from a future-researcher?

Max Thinius – Futurologist and Future Shaper Max Thinius is regarded as Europe’s leading futurologist and designer of the future. Besides his work as a consultant for companies, cities, regions and people, he gives many lectures, is a moderator and bestselling author. Many companies and people today are faced with major considerations for the future. Somehow everything does not fit together anymore. The whole world is changing. In fact, about 80% of our everyday life is changing in our private and business environment. These changes determine all structures in the newly forming social order. In the future we will live differently, work differently, shape the economy differently. Futurology makes the future visible Futurologists design positive models and scenarios for the future. To do so, they break away from purely scientific predictions with which trends can only be statistically extrapolated. Compared to future-researchers, futurologists think holistically and include various parameters. Max Thinius researches and works on topics ranging from digitalization, social development, economy, financial market, urban and regional development, to health, nutrition, education and politics. From …

The future thinks differently

Starting today, digitization will transform our entire everyday life within the next 5-15 years. City centres will look different. Villages and smaller towns will have the chance to grow again, as more and more people will want to move to rural areas or small-/midsized towns. New digital metropolises may emerge in places that nobody thought possible. Of course, all this does not work automatically, but only if you do something about it. First of all, it is important to remember that the future thinks differently! Our industrial way of thinking is only making limited progress, and above all we are leaving many opportunities and possibilities out of the equation from the outset. This is all the more important because over 80% of our everyday life will change. That is again over 80% chances to improve it. You can’t do that with your head in the sand. But with networking of possibilities, of business, science, society, politics and their joint innovation. So let us concern ourselves with the new quality of life that digitization can bring …

The next big thing in online commerce – food!

How does LEOH (the food retail online trade) work? Experience insights on how to establish a new category in retail. How do you get the idea to establish an online supermarket? What are the hurdles that stand in your way? How do you achieve a veritable learning curve among consumers, society, the media public? What are the key factors that make LEOH successful. And, oh yes, how does an online supermarket like this actually work in everyday life and what potential is there in business models and convenience for manufacturers, consumers and society in general? Many! Keynote / show – 45/90/120 min Contact Max // +49 30 6130 90 41

Future 4.0 – how future changes our everyday life!

Don’t be afraid of the future! Probably the most entertaining insight into the future, understandable for everyone. Max explains how the future actually works, why we sometimes panic (but don’t have to) and who actually shapes our future. He takes a trip into the world of intelligent refrigerators, new health care systems, smart technologies, self-driving cars in smart cities and wondrous developments promised for our smart everyday lives. He brings all this “smartness” together in an understandable way and shows us why the digital revolution will not overwhelm us in the end, but rather why it offers us all prospective opportunities. Keynote / Show – 90/120 min Thanks to SPRECHERHAUS® Nadin Buschhaus for the photo

No fear of the future!

No fear of the future! Probably the most entertaining insight into the future, understandable for everyone. Max explains how the future actually works, why we sometimes panic (but don’t have to) and who actually shapes our future. He takes a trip into the world of intelligent refrigerators, new health care systems, smart technologies, self-driving cars in smart cities and wondrous developments promised for our smart everyday life. He brings all this “smartness” together in an understandable way and shows us why the digital revolution will not overwhelm us in the end, but rather why it offers us all prospective opportunities. Keynote / Show – 45/90 min Cal Max as Speaker or Moderator Via VoiceBox: +49 30 6130 90 41 Photo by Hendrik Haase